Keto Berry Trifle
A Kiwi Christmas isn't complete without trifle!
With layers of keto sponge cake, whipped cream, fresh berries, and a rich and creamy custard, this low carb trifle is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth without breaking your ketogenic diet. Plus, it's easy to make and can be assembled in advance, making it a great option for Christmas day lunch!
Keto Berry Trifle Ingredients
- 1 pouch Justine's Keto Victoria Sponge Cake made to recipe.
- a couple of punnets of strawberries, blueberries, black berries, or other fruits of your choice
- keto custard (Here's a great 4 ingredient recipe)
- 500ml low-sugar fruit juice
- 500ml cream
- 1 tbsp Justine's Keto Erythritol Blitzed to a fine powder
Keto Berry Trifle Method
bake Justine's Victoria Sponge Cake to packet instructions and set aside to cool.
Meanwhile, prepare the layers. Wash and slice the berries, prepare the custard, and whip the cream with the keto erythritol in a separate bowl until thick. Once cool, cut the Victoria Sponge Cake into cubes.
In a large serving bowl, begin assembling the layers. Start with a sprinkle of fresh berries, add a layer of whipped cream, a layer of the cut sponge cake and drizzle low sugar fruit juice on top to taste. Finally, pour a layer of the keto custard on top.
Repeat this layering order until bowl is full or all ingredients have been used up. Top with fresh cream and berries and chill until ready to serve.