COELIAC AWARENESS WEEK: Traveling with Coeliac Disease...
10 Tips and tricks to travel with Coeliac disease:
1. Request Gluten Free Meal if Traveling via Airplane
Most International flights offer you this option.
2. Request Gluten Free Meals at any of the Hotels, Bed, and Breakfasts, Resorts you will be staying in.
Most will be happy to cater to you if they are able to.
3. Research: What is the food like where you are traveling? Is it mostly wheat or rice based? Are there any plates that are naturally and unmistakingly allergen free?
List these (BONUS if you can list them in the native language). Are there grocery stores or markets nearby where you are staying (especially helpful if you will have your own private kitchen)?
4. Make a list of gluten friendly restaurants you would like to visit.
Use allergen-friendly travel guides and celiac and other allergen-friendly associations. Be sure to see if they are hosting any gathering where and when you will be visiting.
5. Make a list of English speaking clinics and hospitals in the area.
This is just in case, so you’re aware of how close or far away they are.
6. Carry a translation card if you are visiting a country or city where you are unable to communicate in their language.
These aren’t simple Google translations but are written in a context that the person helping you will be able to read.
7. Learn the very basics of the language of where you will be visiting, if it’s not native to you.
Basics, like Hello, How are you?, Good, Bad, Gluten, Dairy, Thank you - This will not only be helpful to you, but the person you are speaking to will greatly appreciate your effort.
8. Pack all necessary Supplements and Medications you will need.
9. Pack nutritious travel snacks, like Justine's Cookies!!!
You never know when you will need back up calories, or added flavor.
10. Travelers Insurance - Great to have, in case your health insurance doesn’t cover out-of-state or international travel.
How is traveling as a Coeliac??? Check out this amazing blog: